The Captain's Order | The Windsor Street Family Saga | Author VL McBeath The Captain's Order | The Windsor Street Family Saga | Author VL McBeath
VL McBeath

The Captain’s Order

Part 4: The Windsor Street Family Saga (Historical Family Saga - Completed Series)

About the Book

October 1882

Working on a ship is tough … but it’s about to become a whole lot worse…

How can a smile be so misunderstood?

For Nell, it’s a sign of friendship. To her male colleagues, it’s so much more…

With two men intent on securing her affections, and little chance of escape, life for Nell is challenging. Until she finds an unexpected guardian.

Her saviour is charming and chivalrous, but when he unwittingly causes more problems than he solves, she finally snaps.

Determined to be left alone, she sees an opportunity to be rid of her most troublesome admirer. But not everything goes to plan.

When an emergency threatens both passengers and crew, the captain announces a new way of working, and Nell has no choice but to obey his orders…

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The Details

Published: April 19, 2022
Publisher: Valyn Publishing
Formats: EbookPaperback
ISBN-10: 1913838234 ISBN-13: 978-1913838232 ASIN: B09P3XB46G
Genres & Tropes
Family Saga, Historical Fiction, Victorian England, Love, Loss, Hope