The Sailor's Promise | The Windsor Street Family Saga | Author VL McBeath The Sailor's Promise | The Windsor Street Family Saga | Author VL McBeath
VL McBeath

The Sailor’s Promise

Part 1: The Windsor Street Family Saga (Historical Family Saga - Completed Series)

About the Book

Liverpool. January 1871

One Man. One Woman. One Choice?

Life hasn’t been easy for Nell. Orphaned as a child, her elder sister Maria is a substitute for the mother she barely remembers. All she wants now is a husband and family of her own.

Second mate Jack Riley loves his life at sea and dreams of one day captaining his own ship. Settling down to life in the back streets of Liverpool holds no appeal.

Until he bumps into his old flame, Nell.

She wants security and a husband who’ll come home each night. But the call of the sea is strong. Can Jack abandon his plans and give her the life she craves?

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The Details

Published: June 23, 2021
Publisher: Valyn Publishing
Formats: EbookPaperback
ISBN-10: 1913838153 ISBN-13: 978-1913838157 ASIN: B0973D9CN9
Genres & Tropes
Family Saga, Historical Fiction, Victorian England, Love, Loss, Hope